Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dorrie Miller Poster

Dorrie Miller was the first African American to receive the Navy Cross. Though he was just a mess attendant, he did far more than clean up messes on December 7, 1941 at the famous Pearl Harbor on the USS West Virginia. When the ship was hit in an air raid, Dorrie saved his captain, and shot down at least one Japanese fighter plane, and manned the gun until he was told to stop, even though he was never taught to use a gun. He was originally awarded a letter of accommodation, but American citizens thought he deserved a greater award. Frank Knox, the navy secretary at the time was reluctant to award him something greater, but was finally swayed when president Roosevelt intervened and commanded Knox to award Miller the Navy Cross. Dorrie later died aboard the USS Liscomb Bay.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Dorie Miller Poster-John Murphy

Here, Dorie Miller is shown sanding in front of the ruins of Pearl Harbor with a Navy Cross on his shirt. This poster, by David Stone Martin, is based off a photograph of him. Dorie Miller was a cook on the USS West Virginia. In the attack on Pearl Harbor he dragged his captain to safety and manned a 50mm bridge gun, though he had no training with it, and shot down at least one Japanese plane according to his account. He was awarded a Navy Cross six months later. He was previously only given a letter of commendation, but after public outcry in the African-American community he became the first African-American to receive the Navy Cross. After this poster released African American enlistment soared. He died around the time this poster came out, when The Liscome Bay, was torpedoed.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

the Inuits in the arctic had to change to fit their environment. they had to create houses and clothes to fit the cold arctic climate.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Huron

The Huron were a powerful tribe of Native Americans who lived in the north east. They were hunters and farmers and were the Iroquois enemy.

The Chinook Indian

The Chinook Indian were effected by geography since they lived right by the Pacific Ocean, they were primarily a fishing tribe, they used harpoons to fish with

Miami (Not The City)

The Miami Tribe lived in the Northeast and had two chiefs, a warrior chief and a regular chief. They traveled in canoes and packing dogs.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

John Murphy

My name is John Murphy and I'm in the 8th grade. My role model is Barrack Obama because he is very smart and dedicated. The highlight of my life was when I jumped off a ski lift because it was fun and I nearly got in a lot of trouble which made it even more fun. I hope my future holds a huge mansion, a yellow Lamborghini, and lots of money.


Hello, my name is Adam Lazere. I'm 13 and I am in the eight grade. I like to swim, practice tae kwon do and play video games. my favorite video game(so far) is halo reach My role model is probably one of my parents if not both because they give me advice. The highlight of my life so far was when i was a toddler because i didn't have any responsibilities. i hope the future holds high school, college, and a job that pays a lot of money.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Val"s Blog

My name is Val. One of my role models is Steve-O, he is my role model because he is not afraid of wrecking himself in accidents. The highlight of my life so far is when I got sent to the hospital three times in the seventh grade.I think that my future holds going to highschool, and graduating with good grades.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


One of my role models is Drake. He is one of my role models because he still hangs out with his family even though he "made it".  The highlight of my life was when I went to Canada. Canada was really fun (especially Niagara Falls). I hope my future holds wealth, a good education, good will, and good times.
In my spare time, I like to read, watch TV, play games, and play sports. My favorite subject is Math, and my favorite sports are football and soccer. Now, that you know about me, I hope to get to know about you.                

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dorie Miller, American War Hero

Dorie Miller was born in 1919 and died in 1943. He played high school football for  AJ Moore High School, and was the star fullback.  He was  an African-American cook aboard the USS West Virginia. During the attack on Pearl Harbor he shot down two planes, and became the first African American to receive the US Navy Cross award. He met his maker on November 24, 1943 in the Gilbert Islands, when his ship, the Liscome Bay, was torpedoed by Japanese submarines. It is completely appropriate that we are named after him since he was hardworking, strong, and brave, which are qualities we all want to have.